

  如题:某英文报纸就他/她的微笑(His/Her Smile)话题征文,请你投稿。


  提示词语:show,encourage,difficult,brave,learn to do,feel good,cheer up,try one's best


  One possible version:

  Smiles are beautiful and important.A smile given to the right person at the right time can brighten that person's day.

  I was once moved by a smile from my friend. Three years ago,when I made a speech on my first day of class,I was so nervous that I couldn't say a word.Tony, one of my classmates,sitting in the front row, smiled at me and spoke in a low voice,"Yes,you can."I was greatly encouraged by his smile.His smile was important because it gave me self-confidence.

  I will never forget friend's smile because I've learned that something so simple can make a big difference.
