
  Unit2. Is this your pencil?


  1.Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.

  2.Is this my pen? No, it isn't.

  3.Is that Jim? No, it isn't. It is Tom.

  Is he your father? Yes, he is

  4.你怎样拼写它 ---How do you spell it? = Spell it, please.


  你能拼写它么?---Can you spell it, please?

  ---Yes, I can

  5.给我/他/她/他们打电话Call me/him/her/them

  找Alan请拨打495-3539. Call Alan at 495-3539.

  Call sb. at + 电话号码 拨打……找某人

  6.在失物招领处in the lost and found case?

  7.一串钥匙a set of keys a set of + 名词复数

  8. What is this in English?=Can you say it in English?

  9. 查字典 look up a dictionary

  10 .找的动作 look for 找的结果 find

  句中含be(am, is, are)一般疑问句的变法: 把be提前,如果句中有my变your,I 变you,其他的照抄不变。肯定回答yes, 主语+am/is/are 否定回答 No,主语+am not/aren't/isn't. 注意:回答时主语如果是物品单数或者this/that的话,用it替代主语,如果是复数人和物品用they替代。
