


  The car is running about sixty miles _______ hour.

  My friend is interested in __________ science.

  Don’t worry, we still have ________ little time left.

  John is _________ cleverest boy in his class.

  March 8 is _________ Women’s Day.

  _________ Greens will come to see you tomorrow.

  Here is ________ black blouse, __________ blouse is hers.

  They always have ________ bread for __________ dinner.

  I prefer playing _______ piano to playing _________ basketball.

  ________ harder we study, _________ more we’ll learn.


  We can’t see _______ sun at _________ night.

  A. a; /B. a; theC. the; /D. the; the

  Students often play _______ volleyball in ________ afternoon.

  A. /; anB. /; theC. the; anD. a; the

  Is Canada _______ English speaking country?

  A. /B. aC. anD. the

  This is _______ orange. It is _______ small orange.

  A. an; anB. an; aC. /; theD. the; a

  ______ UN report says that there will be standing room only on _____ earth then.

  A. A; theB. A; /C. An; /D. An; the

  We’ve never seen ________film before. It’s very interesting.

  A. so a goodB. a so good C. a such goodD. such a good

  There is _______ “x” in ______ word “six”。

  A. a; theB. a; anC. an; theD. a; a

  Look! _______ fine weather it is today!

  A. What aB. whatC. how aD. how

  _______ Yellow River is ________ second longest river in China.

  A. The; theB. /; aC. The; aD. The; /

  John Smith is ________ of the two young men.

  A. strongB. a stronger C. the strongerD. the strongest


  –What color is ______ orange?-It’s _______ orange.

  A. an; anB. an; theC. an; /D. /; an

  Look! ______ good time the children are having!

  A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a

  London is _____ capital of ______ England.

  A. the; theB. a; aC. a; theD. the; /

  There’re ___ few mistakes in your homework.

  Don’t make __ same mistakes again.

  A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. /; the

  Most of the students in our class go to _____ school by bike every day.

  A. /; /B. the; aC. /; aD. the; the

  Don’t give up. You can try for _______ second time.

  A. theB. anC. aD. /

  She took me by ______ hand and led me into ______ room.

  A. my; aB. the; theC. a; theD. my; the

  What _____ interesting game it is! It must be _____ great fun.

  A. an; aB. a; theC. the; /D. an; /

  The house in ______ front of the river is on ______ fire.

  A. /; /B. the; theC. the; /D. /; a

  He often says ______ rich should help _______ poor.

  A. the; aB. a; theC. the; theD. /; /

  –What can you see by the lake?

  -I can see ____ old man sitting on the chair.(2000杭州)

  A. aB. anC. theD. /

  –Have you had ______ lunch yet?-No, not yet.(2000广州)

  A. /B. aC. theD. an

  One morning he found a bag. There was __ “s” on the corner of __ bag. (甘肃)

  A. a; aB. a; theC. an; aD. an; the

  There’s ______ egg on the plate. _____ egg is for you.

  A. a; AB. an; AnC. an; TheD. the; An

  Did you enter for _____ high jump or _____ 400-metre race?

  A. a; a. a; theC. the; aD. the; the

  ____ old man in black has waited for you for half ______ hour.

  A. The; anB. The; aC. An; aD. An; 不填

  _____ elephant is _____ useful animal.(2002汕头)

  A. An; anB. An; aC. The; aD. A; an

  –I saw _____ story-book on the teacher’s desk?

  -_____ book is Li Ming’s.(2003汕头)

  A. a; AB. the; TheC. the; AD. a; The
